The top 3 benefits of All-on-4

The top 3 benefits of All-on-4

Dentistry is one of the world’s fastest-moving industries when it comes to technological growth and procedural development, as is evidenced by the All-on-4 surgery. Essentially what happens is that we replace an entire row of teeth with a fixed denture, solidly anchored by 4 medical grade titanium implants. This modern option offers many benefits over traditional, removable dentures.

3 Remarkable Benefits of the All-on-4 Procedure

There are numerous benefits associated with this groundbreaking surgery. However, there are 3 that really stand out: greater stability, minimal time needed to complete treatment, and long-lasting results. We will have a brief look at each to help illustrate the reasons behind the success of this procedure.

The primary advantage of the All-on-4 procedure is stability. Unlike a removable denture, this process results in a full bridge that is permanently anchored by 4 medical grade titanium implants. We place the implants at a specific angle so as to maximize stability and performance. Patients are able to rely on a prosthesis that will stay in place and function like natural teeth, enabling them to comfortably enjoy their favorite foods again.

The second benefit is of particular importance for those who live fast-paced lives or have suffered with dental issues, for years. The All-on-4 procedure uses only four implants, reducing treatment time and typically eliminating the need for bone grafting. During the All-on-4 procedure, we place temporary, provisional teeth that look and feel like real teeth, enabling patients to resume normal activity immediately after surgery. That’s why this procedure is often referred to as, “Teeth Replacement in a Day.” After a few weeks of healing, the temporary provisional is replaced by the permanent bridge which has been custom-made to ensure a precise, comfortable fit. The old problems of fit, placement and performance, often experienced with traditional, removable dentures, are gone.

Finally, patients can be assured of a long-lasting result. Long-term research results are impressive – a longitudinal study published in 2011 showed a 98% implant success rate and 99% for the prostheses, over a 5-year timeframe. For many patients, we expect that this can give patients a longtime dental solution.

With over 25 years of experience in dental implant procedures, our office in Fife serves communities in the greater Tacoma area, Federal Way, and draws many patients from out of state. Contact us to schedule an appointment and let us help to put that smile back on your face.

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5615 Valley Ave. E., Tacoma, WA 98424


(253) 922-6822


Monday - Thursday
7am - 4pm

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